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Description: Experienced keyboardist of mature years with over 40 years playing in rock, blues and function bands. Fully self sufficient with quality gear plays two keyboards on stage including modern digital Hammond organ. Does not wish overly heavy gigging commitment, been there, done that, but is prepared to rehearse where required... Read more
Location: King's Lynn
Views: 156
Posted: 2 years ago by keefkeys
TagsRock, Blues, KingsLynn
Description: Experienced keyboardist of mature years with over 40 years playing in rock, blues and function bands. Fully self sufficient with quality gear plays two keyboards on stage including modern digital Hammond organ. Does not wish overly heavy gigging commitment, been there, done that, but is prepared to rehearse where required... Read more
Location: King's Lynn
Views: 160
Posted: 2 years ago by keefkeys
TagsRock, Blues, KingsLynn