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Description: Hi all. I am recruiting band members for an Iron Maiden tribute. The band will be based in the Peterborough/Cambridgeshire area, with an ambition to build up to a production ready for theatres, venues and festivals. Any ‘member’ (Bruce, Steve, Adrian, Dave or Nicko) can apply. Please private message or email (I... Read more
Location: Huntingdon
Views: 20
Posted: 2 months ago by jkwmatthews
TagsIronMaiden, Rock, Heavymetal
Description: Hi all, Looking for a singer for our band. Influences of the band are maiden, zz top , foo fighters, thin lizzy and general classic metal/rock. Nothing to serious but would like to do some gigs at some point in the future and possible recording and we mainly do originals. Age range in the band is mid 20s to early 30s bu... Read more
Location: Rochester
Views: 163
Posted: 1 year ago by reece97
TagsClassic, Rockmetal, Thin, Lizzy, Iron
Description: I’ve been learning lead guitar for about a year now, hoping to take it further by joining a local band and practicing together, maybe even gigs
Location: Totland Bay
Views: 148
Posted: 2 years ago by archer_hare
TagsAvenged, Sevenfold, Iron, Maiden, Muse