There are 1 profile results and 1 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: I play grindcore, goregrind, noisecore, crust punk, hardcore punk or even death metal. This band is just for fun and is largely comedic. Looking for members for my band Ball Stabber, preferably drums.
Location: Bognor Regis
TagsGrindcore, Goregrind, Crust, Punk, Metal

Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: Czesc!!!! Poszukujemy vokaliski!!! Jestesmy zespolem z Londynu. Gramy od trzech lat, mamy regularne proby i duzo koncertow. Muzyka PUNK ROCK. Jesli chcesz do nas dolaczyc, wyslij wiadomosc. Ponizej zalaczam link do kilku piosenek, pozdrawiam!!!
Location: Barnet
Views: 438
Posted: 7 years ago by dawid_c84
TagsVokalistka, Punk, Rock, Metal, Grind