There are 2 profile results and 1 listings results.

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Here are the 2 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Bass player/vocals/lyricist in Sheffield melodic metal band searching for a new drummer and a keyboard player for our band. Gigs lined up throughout the year and currently using a backing track at gigs
Location: Sheffield
TagsBass, Fuzz, Stoner, Doom, Metal
Description: Hey I'm a guitarist and I've been playing for almost ten years but I'm certainly not skilled enough to seem like it! I'm looking to get together with people who would be interested in playing some loud, heavy doom. I'm thinking stuff like Bong and Sunn O))) - So big, slow psychedelic fuzzy drone. Don't necessaril... Read more
Location: South Shields
TagsMetal, Doom, Drone, Fuzz

Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: Hiya, Looking to start a band or duo or what ever I play guitar, mandolin, pedal steel, lap steel and a bit of bass. Influences, Neil Young to anything fuzzy or acoustic. If you think its something we could get going, get in touch Thanks
Location: London
Views: 176
Posted: 2 years ago by delh
TagsAcoustic, Country, Fuzz, Garage