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Description: Fiddle, Mandolin, Accordian, Whistle, Bodhran, Drums, Bass. Stupidly long wish list, I know. Straight up, what I am offering potential band mates here is a chance to access a vibrant and active music scene that can provide paid gigs all year round and creative input. Samples on request..
Location: Swindon
Views: 71
Posted: 10 months ago by bardicjim
TagsFolk, Violin, Fiddle, Mandolin, Bodhran
Description: Fiddle player needed for folk rock band, into Levellers, Ferocious Dog, Oysterband, Flogging molly etc. Paid gigs waiting
Location: Ipswich
Views: 116
Posted: 1 year ago by fanny-adams
TagsFiddle', 'Violin', 'Folk', 'Folk, Rock
Description: We are looking for a skilled improvisational violinist to come to Latitude Festival with us. You would play on Thursday night as part of the Scorestra! orchestra improvising with other players to Film, (it's a lot of fun) then potentially perform as part of our trio, this would involve some rehearsal in Streatham. Payment ... Read more
Location: London
Views: 138
Posted: 1 year ago by vincent-burke
TagsLatitude, Festival, Violinist, Fiddle, Violin
Description: We are currently looking for a bass player,drummer/percussionist, fiddler, banjo/mandolin player. Backing vocals would be a bonus.
Location: Birmingham
Views: 490
Posted: 7 years ago by TheMabys
TagsBass, Drums, Banjo, Fiddle
Description: Hey there! I am a female modern country singer / songwriter based in south west London. I am looking for a fiddle player and a banjo player to collaborate. Musicians would need to be interested in project initially and up for open mics / rehearsals with view to paid gigs October / November. Please get in touch if you ... Read more
Location: London
Views: 619
Posted: 7 years ago by Mair1989
TagsCountry, Fiddle, Banjo