There are 2 profile results and 2 listings results.

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Here are the 2 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Been playing guitar since 1991 although I'm not exactly Eddie Van Halen I can pull off a decent solo if needed. Currently not looking to join a band at the moment.
Location: Eastleigh
TagsGuitarist, 80s, Eighties, Lead
Description: 18 years old, Irish Guitarist looking to join rock band- either performing or recreational. Influenced by 80s rock, can sing backup aswell
Location: Bangor
TagsRock, Guitar, 80s, Eighties, Ireland

Here are the 2 results that match your search criteria.

Description: Keyboard player wanted Ska covers band West Midlands based Own equipment and transport
Location: Stourbridge
Views: 125
Posted: 2 years ago by captain-skalet-5
TagsSka, 2, Tone, Reggae, Eighties
Description: Drummer wanted ska covers band West Midlands area
Location: Stourbridge
Views: 129
Posted: 2 years ago by captain-skalet-5
TagsSka, 2, Tone, Rocksteady, Eighties