There are 1 profile results and 5 listings results.
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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.
Here are the 5 results that match your search criteria.
Description: | We are two very mature guitarists who have played together on and off for a number of years and have played in many different bands Our idea was to strip back well-known songs and put our own twist on them and it worked really well with a Conga player. We would like to follow that original concept again taking it a step ... Read more |
Location: | Leeds |
Views: | 163 |
Posted: | 9 months ago by keeponrockin |
Tags | Laid, Back, Smoothe, And, Cool |
Description: | Hi, We're the band 'Jeez Lluis' and we're looking for a new bass player to join our ranks. We released our debut EP 'Bona Nit a Tothom' back last year with a video accompanying our single 'Waiting for the Night': Read more |
Location: | London |
Views: | 168 |
Posted: | 2 years ago by jeezlluis |
Tags | Indie, Bossnova, Cool, Bassist |