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  • stonedog on Band Mate
Location Addlestone
User Type Band
Sex Male
Band/Artist Name Stone Dog
Description You know when you used to do something as a kid or a teenager, then something changes and you stop? Then one day life gives you the chance to try it again and you find a passion for it like never before. This is Stone Dog. Born in the 80s, established in the 90s. Resurrected in the 20s. Bringing together influence from The Beatles to Royal Blood. From Oasis to Alter Bridge. From the Foo Fighters to Embrace. From Guns n Roses to Audioslave. Guitars, melodies and fun, lovingly brought together by four friends.
Instruments Played Drums, Guitar Bass, Guitar Lead, Guitar Rhythm
Influences Oasis Foo Fighters Velvet Revolver Dirty Honey Muse Alter Bridge Audioslave Led Zeppelin Royal Blood
Joined 12 May 2024
Active listings 1 - View active listing
TagsOriginal, Rock, Woking
Website https://linktr.ee/rickyflip22
Contact info
Description: Stone Dog is looking for a live singer for our original material. I started writing and recording music over lockdown and have released some of it, with me performing every single part. Now, I’ve found some friends and family to help me perform it live and I would like a singer to really take it to the next level. ... Read more
Location: Addlestone
Views: 118
Posted: 9 months ago by stonedog
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