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  • samreedy on Band Mate
Location Wiltshire
User Type Musician
Sex Male
Description Trumpet player from Wiltshire, been playing 12 years, play jazz, ska, commercial, and classical! just finished a degree at uni doing music
Instruments Played Trumpet
Influences trombone shorty, alan vizzutti, fats navaro, mnozil brass, miles davis etc
Equipment List Selmer Concept TT Bb Trumpet Yamaha Meistro Bb Cornet Warburton Qm/NY/7- 4M Mouthpiece Superlux Clip on Mic
Joined 13 Dec 2012
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Contact info
Description: Trumpet player from Salisbury looking to set up a ska band- need drums, gtr, bass, bone- already got sax. or willing/looking to join one in the area played lots of gigs etc when I was at uni https://www.facebook.com/SamReedTPT
Location: Wiltshire
Views: 788
Posted: 12 years ago by samreedy
Tagsska, trumpet
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