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  • samdunphy on Band Mate
Location Doncaster
User Type Musician
Sex Unspecified
Description I am wanting to start/join a punk/metal band to make music about LGBTQ+ issues, feminism etc. I’m non binary Lesbian I am interested in punk, metal, rock, riot grrrl etc music
Instruments Played Drums, Guitar Acoustic, Guitar Rhythm
Influences Delilah Bon Halestorm Cassyette Girli Ashnikko King princess Bikini kill Baby queen Lady gaga Pink
Equipment List I have en electric drum kit, 2 guitars, 2 guitar amps
Joined 05 May 2023
Active listings 1 - View active listing
TagsDrummer, Punk, Grunge, LGBTQ+, Feminist
Contact info No additional contact info provided.
Description: I want to make music to do with LGBTQ+ issues and women’s rights/feminism. I play drums and started to Lear guitar about 6 months ago. I love lots of genres of music but I would love to make punk, metal, heavy rock, riot grrrl type music. I am super passionate about music and these important issues. I am looking for peopl... Read more
Location: Doncaster
Views: 135
Posted: 1 year ago by samdunphy
TagsLGBTQ+, Feminist, Punk, Gothicemo, Riot
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