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  • noahenderson on Band Mate
Location Forfar
User Type Musician
Sex Male
Band/Artist Name Red Ant
Description Hi, I am looking for a band, I've been in two before but nobody was as committed and creative differences. looking for a bass player and drummer, mabye another guitarist not a must though. Would need to rent a studio for rehearsal or something like that. Not been doing vocals for long but I do want to do them, have a few previous recordings with my old band.
Instruments Played Guitar Lead, Guitar Rhythm, Vocalist
Influences Nirvana Smashing pumpkins The libertines Pearl jam Silverchair Kiss Led Zeppelin Cheap trick The Beatles Wings Weezer The Monkees Bush The list could go on a lot more ...
Equipment List Drums, bass, if you have P/A system it'd help
Joined 20 May 2023
Active listings 1 - View active listing
Contact info No additional contact info provided.
Description: Hi, my name's Noah I play guitar and vocals and am looking for a band at a good level. Even if you're a bass player, lead guitar or drummer we could build up from that. I've been in two bands before but been let down by the other members having commitment issues and not being invested enough or wiling to practice. Don't cur... Read more
Location: Forfar
Views: 98
Posted: 1 year ago by noahenderson
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