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  • nasher5600 on Band Mate
Location Cardiff
User Type Musician
Sex Male
Description Beginner guitar player (1year less) looking for a band to jam with and gig In the future. I am a quick learner and am enjoying playing heavier stuff. Being in a band will improve my playing and is something I’ve wanted to do! Outside of music I’m a PhD student at Cardiff metropolitan
Instruments Played Guitar Rhythm
Influences Metallica Nirvana Green day Artic Monkeys
Equipment List Jackson JS1R guitar Laney Hardcore max 60W Wildcat metal pedal (No car)
Joined 31 Aug 2021
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Contact info No additional contact info provided.
Description: Looking for others to jam with and form a band. I’m a rhythm guitarist based in Cardiff, and have been playing just under a year. 8pm heavily influenced by nirvana and Metallica, but also play artic monkeys and punk. I don’t have a vehicle but have equipment!
Location: Cardiff
Views: 226
Posted: 3 years ago by nasher5600
TagsCardiff, Phd, Student,
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