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  • malkintower on Band Mate
Location Bushey
User Type Musician
Sex Unspecified
Instruments Played
Joined 22 Mar 2017
Active listings 2 - View active listings
Contact info No additional contact info provided.
Description: Malkin Tower are a folk rock band that mixes myth, legends and tales of woe into atmospheric and emotive songs. We are seeking a new bass player who is committed and has a desire to create amazing music. We are working on our debut e.p at present and have gigs in the pipeline so if you think you fit the bill drop us a line.
Location: Bushey
Views: 580
Posted: 7 years ago by malkintower
Description: Malkin Tower are a folk rock band that mixes myth, legends and tales of woe into atmospheric and emotive songs. We are seeking a new bass player who is committed and has a desire to create amazing music. We are working on our debut e.p at present and have gigs in the pipeline so if you think you fit the bill drop us a line.
Location: Bushey
Views: 485
Posted: 7 years ago by malkintower
TagsFolk, Rock
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