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  • lister_of_smeg on Band Mate
Location Sheffield
User Type Musician
Sex Male
Band/Artist Name Scott
Description Bass player/vocals/lyricist in Sheffield melodic metal band searching for a new drummer and a keyboard player for our band. Gigs lined up throughout the year and currently using a backing track at gigs
Instruments Played Guitar Bass
Influences Iron Maiden Metallica Tool Pink Floyd AC/DC Elder Black Sabbath Sleep Airborne Led Zeppelin Rage Against The Machine Melvins Nirvana Guns N Roses Alice in Chains Korn Down Pantera
Equipment List Bass guitar Orange crush 12 practice amp 100w gig amp Fuzz pedal Wireless set up for bass In ear monitors
Joined 10 Mar 2023
Active listings 3 - View active listings
TagsBass, Fuzz, Stoner, Doom, Metal
Contact info
Description: We're a Sheffield based originals metal band in a state of flux. We need a new drummer and also a lead singer/screamer. We need a drummer that can use double kick or be willing to learn, obviously keep time and be bothered to learn the current songs as well as put on a good entertaining performance. We're looking for a sin... Read more
Location: Sheffield
Views: 169
Posted: 1 year ago by lister_of_smeg
TagsMetal, Drummer, Singer, Heavy, Rock
Description: Originals melodic metal band looking for a new drummer. We have gigs booked until December but having to use a backing track for gigs at the moment. We practice once a week and we're currently working on new material so ideas and collaboration are welcomed. Looking for a drummer than can double kick and bring some flare and... Read more
Location: Sheffield
Views: 139
Posted: 1 year ago by lister_of_smeg
TagsMetal, Thrash, Rock,
Description: Originals melodic metal band looking for a new drummer. We have gigs booked until December but having to use a backing track for gigs at the moment. We practice once a week and we're currently working on new material and ideas and collaboration are welcomed. Looking for a drummer than can double kick and bring some flare an... Read more
Location: Sheffield
Views: 125
Posted: 1 year ago by lister_of_smeg
TagsMetal, Thrash, Rock,
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