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  • jonnysniper- on Band Mate
Location Salford
User Type Band
Sex Unspecified
Band/Artist Name Death or Glory - Tribute to the Clash
Description You can see all footage and upcoming gigs at @deathorgloryclashtribute Manchester's newest tribute to the only band that matters - The Clash! Seeking a 'Mick Jones' to complete line up. All members play to a professional level, and we have all the contacts and know-how to give this a real go. Gigs already booked to be performed as a trio (+keyboardist) and looking for that last member before we hit the ground running!
Instruments Played Drums, Guitar Bass, Guitar Rhythm
Influences The Clash
Joined 12 May 2021
Active listings 1 - View active listing
TagsRock, Punk, Reggae, Tribute, Covers
Contact info No additional contact info provided.
Description: Clash tribute band needs a ‘Mick Jones’, covering all aspects of his Vocal Delivery as well as Lead Guitar. The project has immense potential, and we have a lot of people behind us and supporting us, just need to find that last missing piece! Other Musicians play to a professional standard, and drummer has a stro... Read more
Location: Salford
Views: 134
Posted: 1 year ago by jonnysniper-
TagsPunk, Rock, Tribute, Covers, Clash
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