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  • horsefeathers-uk on Band Mate
Location Birmingham
User Type Band
Sex Unspecified
Band/Artist Name Horse Feathers UK
Description Americana Spaghetti Western
Instruments Played Cello, Drums, Guitar Bass, Guitar Lead, Guitar Rhythm, Keyboard, Trumpet, Vocalist
Influences Ennio Morricone Calexio Violent Femmes Grandaddy 16 Horse Power Woven Hand David Eugene Edwards
Joined 01 Jul 2024
Active listings 1 - View active listing
Website https://www.facebook.com/horsefeathersuk/?locale=en_GB&_rdr
Contact info
Description: Hi. Horse Feathers are looking for a keyboardist to join our band. Our influences are Calexico, Ennio Morricone, 16 Horse Power - please check out our profile. Thanks!
Location: Birmingham
Views: 21
Posted: 2 months ago by horsefeathers-uk
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