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  • flairband_ on Band Mate
Location Chelmsford
User Type Band
Sex Female
Band/Artist Name Flair
Description We are Flair. An all girls, indie rock cover band from Colchester, Essex. We’re looking for a new lead guitarist to join our band in September, you’ll have opportunities to fill in at our upcoming gigs and festivals beforehand! We currently don’t have any originals but we are planning on writing them ASAP to get recorded, mixed, mastered and released x
Instruments Played Background Singer, Drums, Guitar Bass, Guitar Rhythm, Vocalist
Influences Blur, Kaiser Chiefs, Oasis, The Cranberries, Blondie, 4 Non Blondes.
Equipment List We have all of the other equipment you would need for gigging, just bring your own amp, cables and guitar of course.
Joined 24 Jul 2024
Active listings 1 - View active listing
TagsIndie, Guitarist, Girl, Band, Rock
Contact info
Description: We are an all girls, indie rock cover band called Flair. We are based in Colchester, Essex and have about 6 paid gigs including 2 festivals lined up for this year and next year too! We are currently looking for a lead guitarist to start in September or earlier depending on availability, with enough skill to play solos a... Read more
Location: Chelmsford
Views: 54
Posted: 3 months ago by flairband_
TagsIndie, Rock, Girl, Band, Guitarist
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