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  • elbiggus on Band Mate
Location Chester
User Type Musician
Sex Male
Band/Artist Name Angry Badgers
Description Songwriter/musician, mostly in a rock/metal style but with the odd foray into synthwave, looking for a lyricist/vocalist to collaborate with in either genre -- online, IRL, not fussed either way. I've not got any real goal in mind at the moment, just seeing what's out there.
Instruments Played Drums, Guitar Acoustic, Guitar Bass, Guitar Rhythm, Keyboard
Influences Too many to mention!
Joined 02 Jul 2020
Active listings 1 - View active listing
TagsMetal, Punk, Synthwave, Songwriter
Contact info No additional contact info provided.
Description: Prolific songwriter seeks rock/metal vocalist (and if you can write lyrics, great), initially for online collaboration, but who knows what the future holds. When I'm on a roll I can knock out two or three tunes a day, but I can't sing worth a damn so they're always lacking a certain something! For some reason the site wo... Read more
Location: Chester
Views: 341
Posted: 4 years ago by elbiggus
Tagsmetal, punk, vocalist,
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