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  • benmartin1977 on Band Mate
Location Medway
User Type Band
Sex Unspecified
Band/Artist Name TBC
Description Newly formed band looking for other musicians. Just looking to write some great songs and have a good time gigging. Don't have a specific sound in mind at the moment, just looking to get a band together and see what happens. Loads of experience and equipment. Looking for (but not restricted to) another guitarist, bassist, keyboard player etc. Not fussed about age as long as the music works and we all get on over a beer :)
Instruments Played
Influences Anything that sounds good live, and gets people on their feet or in to what your'e doing. Rock, Indie, Blues, metal, 80s, 60's 70's, 90's.
Equipment List We're not short on equipment!
Joined 07 Jun 2015
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Contact info
Description: New band looking for a few more members, looking to do originals and a few covers in the rock, indie kind of space
Location: Medway
Views: 615
Posted: 9 years ago by benmartin1977
Tagsguitarist, bass, keboards, rock, indie
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