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  • banjoman992 on Band Mate
Location Plymouth
User Type Musician
Sex Male
Band/Artist Name Vampire Money
Description Currently in search of a touring drummer for my band! NOTE: We're not looking for an official member of the band and we won't be asking you to be involved in the business aspects of the band, songwriting etc at this time. If those are immediate areas of interest, this won't be the ideal role for you. Vampire Money are an alt-rock trio (all in our early 20's) and are currently in the process of looking for a session drummer interested in playing for our live shows when live music returns after Covid-19! The individual should be extremely reliable and friendly, but also have a passion for playing live and delivering energetic performances. Previous live experience isn't strictly necessary, but you will need to be a competent drummer that we're hoping is willing to permanently fill the role; the members of Vampire Money are committed to making a full-time career from music and we ask anyone interested share the same goals! I’ve attached links below to our website, instagram and some music so you can get a better idea of what we’re about: https://wearevampiremoney.com/ https://www.instagram.com/wearevampiremoney/?hl=en Latest singles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkNfsW8kjXk&ab_channel=VampireMoney https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45HJC4mVqn4&ab_channel=VampireMoney Please contact myself (Ben) through this ad if you're at all interested or have any further questions. Thanks!
Instruments Played Background Singer, Guitar Lead
Influences Muse Biffy Clyro My Chemical Romance Fall Out Boy Waterparks Bring Me The Horizon Our Last Night Foo Fighters Bon Jovi Sleeping With Sirens Beartooth Falling In Reverse Weezer Busted Feeder Nile Rodgers Joe Satriani All Time Low Alter Bridge Jinjer Polaris Crown The Empire Stevie Rau Vaughan Toska Mark Lettieri
Joined 15 Sep 2020
Active listings 1 - View active listing
TagsRock, Drummer
Website https://wearevampiremoney.com/
Contact info
Description: NOTE: We're not looking for an official member of the band and we won't be asking you to be involved in the business aspects of the band, songwriting etc at this time. If those are immediate areas of interest, this won't be the ideal role for you. Vampire Money are a Devon/Northamptonshire alt-rock trio (all in our early... Read more
Location: Plymouth
Views: 337
Posted: 4 years ago by banjoman992
TagsRock, Drummer, Punk, Drums, Wanted
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