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  • amateur-hour on Band Mate
Location Rotherham
User Type Musician
Sex Male
Band/Artist Name Just me
Description Play guitar (started later in life) and enjoy, but want to get better (needs a lot of work). Was a singer a long time ago, but not done so for a long time, Would like to play with other guys at similarly skill/age level for fun and a way to improve. I'm talking, pick 3 songs that are easy to play and lets see if we can all get better together.
Instruments Played Guitar Lead, Guitar Rhythm
Influences Punk, Rock, Metal, Country, Pop, Soul, Funk, Electro, New Wave, New romantic, Post punk literally all music, though a lot of Jazz baffles me.
Equipment List Jackson Soloist Epiphone Les Paul standard and Prophecy Marshall DSL 20 2X12 Cab
Joined 20 Jul 2022
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Contact info No additional contact info provided.
Description: I'm a 50 something guy that started to play later in life, but would like to play together with a drummer, bass player and another guitarist to learn together, have a laugh and improve together. No major expectations, but if we can get thru some Ramones, Pistols, Old punks songs or easy rock tunes then I'd be happy.
Location: Rotherham
Views: 153
Posted: 2 years ago by amateur-hour
TagsRock, Punk, Grunge, Metal, Fun
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