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  • Tgmason1996 on Band Mate
Location Gravesend
User Type Musician
Sex Male
Description Lead guitarist with a main influence in blues and classic rock. Have gigging experience with a previous rock band and am willing to try out any styles.
Instruments Played Guitar Lead, Guitar Rhythm
Influences Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Brian May, John Mayer, Slash
Equipment List Gibson Les Paul Tribute 50s Fender MIM Stratocaster Gretsch 2520T Streamliner Marshall Dsl100hr Marshall 1960a Vintage 4x12 Cab
Joined 28 May 2020
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TagsRock, Guitarist, Lead, Blues,
Contact info No additional contact info provided.
Description: Guitarist available as either a lead or rhythm player. Have previous experience playing lead in a rock band and have suitable equipment to start gigging ASAP. Am willing to give most styles a go.
Location: Gravesend
Views: 298
Posted: 4 years ago by Tgmason1996
TagsGuitarist, lead, rhythm, rock, blues
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