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  • Leetmendez on Band Mate
Location Colchester
User Type Musician
Sex Male
Description Hi all, I'm on the look out for a bass player & drummer around the Colchester/Chelmsford area for an Indie band. Currently it's me (singer, rhythm guitar) and a lead guitarist. Looking to put a band together for rehersals & gigs. Maybe some busking in the local towns too. I have around 50 songs written so no problems there. Just drop me a line and we can take from there!
Instruments Played
Influences Noel Gallagher, Neil Finn, Richard Ashcroft, Oasis, Ryan Adams, David Gray, Crowded House, The Eagles, AC/DC, Beatles, Buddy Holly,CCR. This is the basics but I would say our sound is a cross between Oasis and Crowded House very roughly. You get the idea!
Equipment List Acoustic guitars, Electric guitars, casio keyboard, Fender Champion Amp, Shure SM58 Mic, various foot pedals, Vocal processor, Vocal PA monitor
Joined 27 Aug 2017
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TagsIndie, Guitarist, Indie, Bass, Player
Contact info
Description: Hi all, I'm on the look out for a bass player & drummer around the Colchester/Chelmsford area for an Indie band. Currently it's me (singer, rhythm guitar) and a lead guitarist. Looking to put a band together for rehersals & gigs. Maybe some busking in the local towns too. I have around 50 songs written so no problems there.... Read more
Location: Colchester
Views: 515
Posted: 7 years ago by Leetmendez
TagsIndie, guitarist, indie, bass, player
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