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  • Black-Sixteen on Band Mate
Location London
User Type Band
Sex Unspecified
Band/Artist Name Black Sixteen
Description We are a gigging London band with one EP under our belt and are currently recording our second release. We play dark noisy grunge rock, and are looking for someone to bring some feminine energy to our lineup. Lots of energy. If you are a badass bass player that feels like going nuts on stage and flirting with the darker side of rock then email us NOW. Experience is not essential but you must be willing to push it hard.
Instruments Played
Influences Nine Inch Nails, Alice In Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Tool, At The Drive-In, System Of A Down, Korn, Faith No More, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Pixies, Silversun Pickups, Tori Amos, The Cure, Ministry, Nirvana, Massive Attack, The Afghan Whigs, The White Stripes
Joined 04 Aug 2013
Active listings 2 - View active listings
Uploaded tracks 5 - View uploaded tracks
TagsRock, London, Grunge, Metal
Website http://www.blacksixteen.com/
Contact info
Description: We are a gigging London band with one EP under our belt and are currently recording our second release. We play dark noisy grunge rock, and are looking for someone to bring some feminine energy to our lineup. Lots of energy. If you are a badass bass player that feels like going nuts on stage and flirting with the darker ... Read more
Location: London
Views: 701
Posted: 11 years ago by Black-Sixteen
Tagsbassist, bass, rock, London, female
Description: Black Sixteen is a London based band, playing delicately heavy modern rock music with keyboards. The debut E.P. was released in February 2012... We have been gigging around London for the past two years, and have recently started branching out nationally, playing in Birmingham and at Festwich Festival (Manchester) in the... Read more
Location: London
Views: 853
Posted: 11 years ago by Black-Sixteen
TagsLondon, rock, keyboard, synth, wanted
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