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Description: Hi all, I've been working on a black metal project the last couple years. I've recently moved to Leeds and I'm seeking other individuals to work with to let this music see the light of day. Vibe/inspo - The Ruins of Beverast, Urfaust, Winterfylleth, Afksy, RUIM, Xasthur, Wolves in the Throne Room, Regardes Les Hommes ... Read more
Location: Leeds
Views: 33
Posted: 2 weeks ago by hamaraz
TagsBlack, Metal, Extreme, Metal,
Description: I'm looking for a vocalist for an online metal project. Please have a listen: I need vocals (and lyrics - but not as important as screams/harsh vocal sounds) for all of those songs. I don't mind if the vocals are high/low, gutteral or shrill, as long as they are harsh! Thanks?
Location: Northwood
Views: 170
Posted: 2 years ago by montgomeryflange
TagsDeath, Metal, Extreme, Metal, Blackened