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Random Profiles

Description: musician -composer -producer -beat maker
Location: Weymouth
TagsR&B, Hip, Hop, Pop, Latin
Description: A Alternate indie band looking to gig and promote our own music. We have our own tracks on Spotify and have had some radio time on a local station.
Location: Wilmslow
Description: My covers band are looking for a singer preferably male with a good range (tenor). Set list already in place good to go but we could be flexable with songs to accommodate the new singer
Location: Swansea
Description: 17// Looking to join a band and either write songs or sing. I have had prior experience to singing in front of crowds, currently learning guitar
Location: Chelmsford
TagsIndie, The, Smiths, Grunge
Description: 22 years old living in newcastle. Can play guitar like okay - been playing for 10 years. I want to form a kind of half shit band to play a gig and have a laugh just to tick something off the bucket list. Nothing serious but high energy. I can carry a tune in a crisis. If your name is also Harriet please message me b... Read more
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne