There are 4 profile results and 1 listings results.

Here are the 4 results that are within Tipton, West Midlands

Location: West Midlands
Location: Tipton
Description: Looking for some decent musicians (drummer bassist guitarist) for a punk band called 'no chat'. Looking for pure energy and loudness
Location: Tipton
Location: Tipton

Here is the 1 result that is within Tipton, West Midlands

Description: Looking for 3-4 musicians for a punk band called no chat. None of this metal/rock rubbish, just need some decent players to make a lot of noise. I'm 20 - singer/songwriter who just wants pure energy and heat!
Location: Tipton
Views: 91
Posted: 11 months ago by alexthekid
TagsPunk, Songwriter, Musicians, Guitarist, Rock