There are 143 profile results and 33 listings results.

Here are the 143 results that are within Tyne And Wear

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Location: South Shields
Location: Washington
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Description: Rock singer with experience in garage rock/punk pop/80s rock & metal looking for a new band or project following relocation to the north east.
Location: North Shields
Location: East Boldon
Location: North Shields
Description: I have a basic level of ability at playing, recording and mixing. I lean towards writing rather than playing covers.
Location: South Shields
TagsJam, Learn, Practice,
Location: South Shields
Description: I like to make music that doesn't sound like crap. Voice, guitar, piano, percussion, more stuff. I bring cookies to gigs.
Location: North Shields
TagsSinger, Awesome, Bitchin', Great, Tall

Here are the 33 results that are within Tyne And Wear

Description: Established north east based original hard rock band looking for drummer and rhythm guitar player for new line up. 2 albums worth of original material written and gigs available across the region and further afield. Must be 110% commited and flexible with times for rehearsals/gigs. Influences range from Guns n Roses to Prin... Read more
Location: Tyne and Wear
Views: 513
Posted: 9 years ago by KreetchaKayoss
Description: Hi, I've been playing guitar for nearly two years now and would like to join a band. Would be interested in any type of music. In the Newcastle upon Tyne area
Location: Tyne and Wear
Views: 626
Posted: 9 years ago by DanielAppleby
TagsAvailable, in, Newcastle
Description: I've had the idea of creating a male Kpop cover group, both singing and dancing, with the future goal of producing the groups own material and seeing what good comes of it, there aren't any British groups that have the style of Kpop, and i'd love to see if we could break that. It will be hard work, we'd have to rehearse... Read more
Location: Tyne and Wear
Views: 849
Posted: 10 years ago by dgp2014
Tagskpop, korean, dance, cover