There are 2 profile results and 1 listings results.

Here are the 2 results that are within Montrose, Tayside

Description: 17 year old guitarist playing mainly alternative and punk.
Location: Montrose
TagsGuitarist, Rock, Lead, Rhythm
Description: Hard working drummer
Location: Montrose

Here is the 1 result that is within Montrose, Tayside

Description: Drummer wanted for jamming and maybe a band in the near future. I'm a 17 year old guitarist who plays mainly alternative and punk but I'm also up for playing blues or pretty much any sub-genre of rock. I'm probably somewhere between a novice and an intermediate so not looking for a complete expert, just as long as you can h... Read more
Location: Montrose
Views: 465
Posted: 8 years ago by StanF
Tagsdrums, punk, rock, band, guitar