There are 2 profile results and 2 listings results.

Here are the 2 results that are within Newport, Shropshire

Location: Newport
Description: 3 Piece band based around Telford. Casual practices, original songs and having a laugh. We play the occasional gig and open mic, but nothing too stressful.
Location: Newport

Here are the 2 results that are within Newport, Shropshire

Description: 3 Piece band hoping to add a new bassist and keyboards. Here's a link to how we sound now. Hoping to extend to add some more texture to the band. We're pretty easy going, all in our 30s, we practise every Thursday in Telford (the smash rooms) and play casual open mics. We'... Read more
Location: Newport
Views: 75
Posted: 6 months ago by gazandthetones
Description: I’m a female singer looking for an acoustic guitarist for local pub gigs etc to start with…I like country or covering acoustic versions of songs …wide range really
Location: Newport
Views: 88
Posted: 1 year ago by jordangrylls