There are 4 profile results and 1 listings results.

Here are the 4 results that are within Kings Langley, Hertfordshire

Location: Kings Langley
Description: We are a pop/rock project in the Watford/North London area that is now looking to complete it’s line up with a highly proficient, dedicated and professional member on keyboard. We have two albums worth of material at the demo stage and are based in the North London area. Here is a rough demo of a track to give you an i... Read more
Location: Kings Langley
Location: Kings Langley
Description: I play bass and drums at an intermediate level and would love to join up with a band in the local area, I am based around Hemel Hempstead/Watford
Location: Kings Langley

Here is the 1 result that is within Kings Langley, Hertfordshire

Description: I am a 23 year old who plays a bit of bass, a bit of drums and I am looking to join a band in the local area. If you're around Hemel or Watford hmu and final thing, preferably I would like to be in a band with people around my age if possible
Location: Kings Langley
Views: 14
Posted: 2 weeks ago by yaboibrendano
TagsBass, Drums, Bassist, Drummer