There are 352 profile results and 94 listings results.

Here are the 352 results that are within Hampshire

Location: Southampton
Location: Southsea
Description: I'm a singer and sometimes rhythm guitarist looking for a covers band. I enjoy singing stuff from 60's through to 90's/00's I'm happy just singing but also just as happy to play a few chords as well
Location: Fareham
TagsSixties', 'covers', 'mod', 'indie', 'britpop
Description: Blues &Soul music
Location: Eastleigh
Location: Farnborough
Location: Portsmouth
Location: Eastleigh
Location: Southampton
Description: Singer looking for a band happy to send a recording upon request.
Location: Romsey
Location: Winchester

Here are the 94 results that are within Hampshire

Description: I am a rhythm guitarist who has played for around 13 years. I like to write and play my own riffs, although I have played some covers in the past such as Avenged Sevenfold, Billy Talent and System of a Down. I love metal, melodic as well as heavy as f**k at times as well. I used to play in a heavy rock band, but was stuck p... Read more
Location: Southampton
Views: 626
Posted: 10 years ago by gruuberuk
TagsGuitarist, Metal, Heavy, Rhythm, Rock
Description: for people who love Mr. Children, Join Me
Location: Southampton
Views: 817
Posted: 11 years ago by lilfookh
Description: Hi! We are an indie-rock/alternative band looking for a bassist! (male or female) We've got a few years gigging experience in other bands but now working on a new project! We're all aged between 19 and 20. if interested please email me on [email protected] Cheers :) Jamie
Location: Southampton
Views: 765
Posted: 11 years ago by JFord
Tagsbassist, indie, rock
Description: Guiutarist available for your band...NOT the the same usual old covers please!
Location: Hampshire
Views: 1001
Posted: 12 years ago by Guitarse