There are 429 profile results and 181 listings results.

Here are the 429 results that are within Greater Manchester

Location: Salford
Location: Bury
Description: Hard rock/ heavy metal band looking for members to first and foremost have a good time, secondly, record, and gig, frequently
Location: Oldham
Description: Rock blues musicians wanted for covers and original songs playing for the love of music we grew up with hope to do some gigs and record but most importantly have fun playing in band no barrier of age just come with enthusiasm been playing 25 years have a rehearsal room phone 07925 297 972
Location: Ashton-under-Lyne
TagsRock, Blues,
Location: Manchester
Description: A band from Tyldesley late 20s early 30s play gigs every Wednesday night at hop Hazelwood looking for a new drummer been struggling to find one for months
Location: Manchester
TagsDown, For, Anything,
Location: Sale
Location: Manchester
Location: Oldham
Location: Oldham

Here are the 181 results that are within Greater Manchester

Description: we are looking for a drummer and a bassist to join our band, we are currently looking to book gigs in the north west beginning in january and need to complete the band before we can confirm any bookings. if you are interested message us on facebook or twitter. preferred age between 18 and 27. preferably with own transport.
Location: Oldham
Views: 1074
Posted: 12 years ago by muttleypunkrock
Tagspunk, rock, bassist, drummer