There are 8 profile results and 3 listings results.

Here are the 8 results that are within Richmond, Greater London

Location: Greater London
Description: We are a husband/wife songwriter/singer team performing original songs of very high quality. The songs are unusual in the sense of harkening back to the standards of the best pre-rock pop, with well crafted lyrics and articulated melodies. We need a piano player, who will essentially be our lead instrumetnalist.
Location: Greater London
TagsRock, Pop, Original
Location: Richmond
Location: Richmond
Location: Richmond
Description: Musician
Location: Richmond
Description: Jazz guitar player based in Richmond, London. Looking to accompany a lead instrument player (Trumpet, Sax, Vocals, Guitar) to improve my skills.
Location: Richmond
Description: Singer/songwriter looking for band members. Project 1 - EDM grunge/metal (attempting to modernise the genre) Project 2 - Grunge/metal band Project 3 - Psychedelic rock
Location: Richmond

Here are the 3 results that are within Richmond, Greater London

Description: I'm an advanced jazz learner looking to improve my comping skills. If you're a jazz singer or learning a lead jazz instrument, I'd love to comp behind you so we both improve together.
Location: Richmond
Views: 80
Posted: 11 months ago by pmgfan
TagsJazz, Guitar,
Description: Drummer/Pianist looking to rehearse with like minded musicians to form a modern commercial pop covers band. Initially for the enjoyment of playing music and if it goes well we can look to play professionally for gigs. I am a proficient ex music industry keyboard player/producer but prefer to focus on playing the drums to ... Read more
Location: Richmond
Views: 146
Posted: 2 years ago by babyface
Description: Original band in Ham (near Richmond) needs you. You will be the band's lead instrumentalist.
Location: Greater London
Views: 557
Posted: 9 years ago by sailortwit
Tagsrock, pop, original