There are 350 profile results and 141 listings results.

Here are the 350 results that are within Essex

Location: Epping
Location: Maldon
Location: Chelmsford
Location: Southend-on-Sea
Location: Leigh-on-Sea
Description: Hi, I'm Maddo I play the guitar and bass vi. I like to make fairly chill, boom-bap rap & funk inspired beats and outsider music, and am looking for people who wanna join in and make stuff with me, live gigs or not. Also im a leftie.
Location: Colchester
Location: Braintree
Location: Braintree
Description: I am starting a new Linkin Park tribute act and looking for members. I am looking for: * Drums, ideally an electric kit but not essential. Able to play to a click * Mike Shinoda (obviously the real one would be great, but someone else up for doing his Rap parts would be good too!) * Anyone with an interest in re... Read more
Location: Colchester
Description: Male in my 40’s, I have been playing/learning guitar for around a year. Been playing keyboard for a couple of years. Looking for jam buddies or potential band to play around with.
Location: Southend-on-Sea

Here are the 141 results that are within Essex

Description: Talented and dedicated Lead/Rhythm guitarist with some gig experience. Been playing for about 8 years.
Location: Essex
Views: 798
Posted: 11 years ago by Twist3dCabbag3
TagsGuitarist, Lead, Rhythm, Metal, Rock