There are 2 profile results and 1 listings results.

Here are the 2 results that are within Cottingham, East Riding Of Yorkshire

Description: Male drummer (33), and female lead singer and acoustic guitarist (26), looking for a committed bass player and guitarist to form a wedding/function band. Or alternatively, to join an existing band that's looking for a drummer and singer. We both have extensive experience playing professionally at weddings, functions, hot... Read more
Location: Cottingham
Location: Cottingham

Here is the 1 result that is within Cottingham, East Riding Of Yorkshire

Description: Male drummer (33), and female lead singer and acoustic guitarist (26), looking for a committed bass player and guitarist to form a wedding/function band. Or alternatively, to join an existing band that's looking for a drummer and singer. We both have extensive experience playing professionally at weddings, functions, hot... Read more
Location: Cottingham
Views: 271
Posted: 3 years ago by drummer_and_singer_available