There are 3 profile results and 1 listings results.

Here are the 3 results that are within Hope, Derbyshire

Description: 70s style UK Punk influenced plus rock/grunge. We write and play mostly self penned tracks with the odd cover chucked in. We are a 2 piece unit with a years gigging experience. We are looking for a bass player or alternatively as our drummer also plays guitar we would be happy with a drummer. We practice in Matlock
Location: Derbyshire
Description: Contemporary Rock covers band
Location: South Gloucestershire
Location: Hope Valley

Here is the 1 result that is within Hope, Derbyshire

Description: Gloucester / Bristol based covers contemporary rock band Good God No! are looking for a replacement second guitarist as our current guitarist is sadly leaving us. We are a well established band that have been together for just over thirteen years with gigs booked right through 2016 and into 2017. All in the Bristol / Glo... Read more
Location: South Gloucestershire
Views: 576
Posted: 9 years ago by suerobbins1